Tuesday 29 May 2012

Prep is beginning...slowly but surely...

OK.  We are back at mum's now.  I have been trawling thru the internet for GAPS recipes for the last 5 weeks, and have come up with quite an impressive list for my cook books.  I've just been copying and pasting them into different folders for my own use.  I am a planner, and I need to know what I'm doing far in advance.

For the last few days, it has gotten really cold, and my elbow, which got broken when I was in my early 20's, has been absolute agony, with major pain in the joint, all over, when I bend it, straighten it, just all the time basically, and today the pain is radiating down my arm and causing me a lot of distress.  So tonight I decided to  buy some of the fermented cod liver oil/butter oil so I can get some fish oil into me and hopefully take away this paaaaaaiiin!!!  I got 2 bottles of the royal capsules, 1 packet of biokult, 2 bottles of positive outlook (for brain fog and energy when you start GAPS) for when we start Intro.  I will start taking the royal capsules now but save the rest for when we start intro.  I bought them from gapsaustralia.com.au.

I have been reading a couple of blogs by people who are doing GAPS, one is The Joy of the Home.  Christina has just started intro with her and her hubby and her 6 kids are doing full GAPS including fruit.  She lists what she eats every day and makes it really simple by basically eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner some days, which I think I'll do especially at the start of intro.  She also uses her slowcooker every day for her dinners which for me, is a smart idea, as by dinner I'm running and tired and over it so to have dinner already done is awesome.  I have written down everything she ate for the first 30 days and will use that as my guide for my initial month.  The other blog I am reading thru is GAPS Diet Journey.  Starlene started slow and did full GAPS at first then did Intro later.  I am reading it from cover to cover.  It's good to see others experiences and see what they ate etc to help you along the way.. There needs to be more GAPS blogs detailing their progress I think and then more people will hear about GAPS and how wonderful it is.

The next thing to do on my list is order some grass-fed organic meat.  I need sausages that don't have rubbish in them as my hubby needs more than eggs in the morning to feel full, and on intro, he won't be able to have eggs, so if he can have sausages, and take some to work along with his thermos of stew, it will help keep him full and happy =)  I'm looking at Spencers Brook Farm for my sausages, and Merribee Organic Farm for my meat. I will need a new freezer I think too to hold all this meat as buying in bulk is the only way I can afford organic meat.

So now all I need is for my friend to go into labour so I can go help her out for a few days, and then get back home and onto final intro prep!!

I bought two of my friend's a GAPS book each the other day, I recommend bookdepository.com they have free shipping and the book is so cheap!

Oh oh!!  In other highly exciting news, one of my close friends has just told me on my fb page that she is going to be starting GAPS very soon.  This makes my heart happy as she is not a well girl, with PCOS, Insulin resistance, depression, anxiety, among other health problems, and has had multiple miscarriages and is desperate for a baby.  I am going to be there for her and support her all the way and cannot WAIT for that magic phone call when she tells me she is pregnant and she isn't afraid of losing it because she is healthy and well again!!  The whole world is going to hear me screaming for joy!

Thanks for reading everyone.  I will try to keep this updated more, it's funny that I don't write more blog posts as I'm pretty much living, breathing GAPS at the moment lol.

BYEEEEE!! Lov Lissi xx