Saturday 17 September 2011

Day 1 and Day 2 of Intro-Sept 2011

Well, day 2 is down and we are on our way to day 3.
We have decided to introduce eggs tomorrow, so we will see how we all go on that.  For day 1 we had broccoli and onions simmered in chicken stock with a bit of salt, then meat mince patties also simmered in stock for lunch which the kids loved. 
Breakfast was a butternut pumpkin and chicken stock soup which they hated and neither of them ate. Dinner was much the same as lunch, although I used the hated pumpkin soup as the base and cooked up the meat patties, onions and some more pumpkin cubes in it.  I liked it, kids didn't, but they had been starving an hour after lunch and I had made them GAPS shepherds pie- mince simmered in stock, covered in a pureed carrot, cauliflower and stock sauce, and topped with mashed cauliflower that had simmered in stock also.  They ate that one happily so I wasn't too concerned about them not eating dinner.
Day 2's menu was very similar to Day 1's, I added some chicken stock, onion and leek slowcooked soup to the bases for the simmering too.

Today was a definate die-off day.  Maddox was extremely aggressive and angry, he was yelling and screaming and throwing things.  Mostly about how much he hated GAPS and how much of a bad mum I am for making him do it..I tried to remain calm, I explained that this was the bad bugs talking, because they are getting angry because they aren't getting fed what they want, and eventually he simmered down after I plonked him in a chair in the middle of the loungeroom and told him to stay put for a while.  I got a few menacing looks while I plodded around doing things but he did eventually calm down, and was back to his happy self soon.  He refused breakfast, and almost refused lunch until I reminded him that Phenix was on his way to 2 stars today already and he had none.  (for every meal they eat or almost completely eat, they get a drawn on star on their chart.  If they get at least 3 stars in that day, they get to put a gold star sticker on that day, once they get 15 gold stars, they get to choose a non food prize)
So he ate most of it, Phenix ate about half his, which was a good effort for him considering he is my fussy eater.  He was very lethargic and whingy today, and had gotten a cold overnight, which I think lurks in the back of him all the time, so hopefully we're getting rid of it for good this time!
Wade and I both had low grade headaches all day concentrated around the atlas, or upper neck, where the head meets the neck.  That's a good sign as Wade never gets headaches, and I think it's good for him to see some die-off happening, as even tho he is overweight, he still considers himself really healthy. (Is it evil that I want him to have die-off..? heehee..) 
I and the two boys all had a detox bath this morning with a cup of Epsom salts and Wade gave me a massage this arvo which helped my headache, I also had a sleep this arvo as I was really tired and headachey.  We've all had a lazy day.  I think we needed it.
I put on some nuts to soak in salty water tonight-cashews, almonds, and walnuts.  I will dehydrate them tomorrow after the markets, where we're stocking up on good eggs from Ellah...
So, tomorrow, we move to eggs.  We are doing it very slowly, introducing one food at a time to see how we go. 
Until next time...night!
Lov Lis xx

Thursday 2 June 2011

Day 4 Intro

So, I'm a bit confused. I'm not really getting much die-off, apart from the headache, no digestive upsets or anything, and the headache was gone today. I upped my sauerkraut, to even eating pieces of it, and nothing. nada. zip.

I'm starting to wonder if the state of my gut is as bad as I thought it was. I'm doing an experiment tonight. I just ate 2 small crust pieces of pure organic spelt bread (obviously with no rubbish in it) with butter, vegemite and sliced banana, and a cup of tea. Let's see if that does anything. I don't want to wreck my hard work, but I want to see if I'm doing this for a good reason, or if I just need to keep away from the white stuff. (well we all need to keep away from the white stuff but will that be enough to make me feel well?)

Time will tell, I'm off to bed.  Had a good rest day today with the kids at mum's, even went to the shops with hubby before we picked them up and felt ok.  Headache was dull this morning but is all but gone now.  No panadol today.  

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Day 3 Intro

I was really tired this morning, Pixi woke me at 10.30 to ask me to make him a bottle, and  was dragging myself around.  I went back to bed but then they started coming in every five minutes to ask me to put things on the computer for them to watch on you tube so I got up.  Mum came over at 2, I was very cranky, the poor kids had to deal with that.  I went back to bed a few times but only stayed for a few minutes before I had to do something else.  I wished mum had taken them yesterday, as I thought this was how it was going to be today.  I'm usually a gentle mum and I hate the way I've been treating them, yelling and getting angry.  I didn't want them here for that reason.

Still had a hideous headache, couldn't take it anymore, and took another 2 panadol rapid, which dulled it to bearable.  Had a cup of soup, a bowl of very fatty soupy stew, with 2 teaspoons of ghee and two teaspoons of sauerkraut juice added.  Also had scrambled eggs with ghee for breakfast.  Tonight I really wanted something else so I looked at stage 4 and that had GAPS bread, so I looked in the Gut and Psychology Syndrome book for the recipe, and made the GAPS cake!  almond meal, eggs, ghee, honey, dates and walnuts. Oh my! so yumm, especially slathered in butter!!  Didn't seem to affect me yet so I'll have some more tomorrow.

I'll try the roasted meat too, which is also stage 4.  Maybe i'll go get a chicken..mmm

We're looking around for a dehydrator but can't find one for the price we can pay so am thinking about looking at to see if she has a way I can do it in my gas oven...  I want to soak and dehydrate some nuts so I can make nut butter in my sister-in-law's Thermomix and then I can make the nut butter crepes featured on Stage three.  They are butternut pumpkin, eggs and nut butter. Sound loooovely with butter and honey hey??!

Panadol has well and truly worn off now, and the headache is a very dull ache so that's good I think.  Hope it doesn't get any worse overnight.  I was going to do a yoga class tonight but there's something wrong with the TV and hubby has unplugged it for some reason, so I'll do it tomorrow during the day hopefully. Hubby gave me a neck and shoulder massage tonight even tho he was really tired and cranky too.  Poor luv, I can't wait to be done with me so I can start him, he so needs this too.

Kids have gone now to mums so I'll hopefully sleep a lot tomorrow, I feel like I need it.

I feel like I've maybe gotten over the worst of it..?  We'll see.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

My Stew Recipe

Brown a kg of cubed gravy meat, or similar, in ghee or coconut oil.
Put in slow cooker with 2 quartered onions, 5 peeled and chopped carrots, 2 peeled and chopped zuccinis, a peeled and chopped parsnip, 4 chopped celery sticks, and a chopped red capsicum. 
Set the slow cooker on high for 5-6 hours adding 3 chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper after 3 hours (or set the slow cooker on low for 12 hours, adding the tomatoes, salt and pepper after 6 hours) Don't salt and pepper too much, you can add more later if necessary.

You can also add some bone broth at the start to make it more soupy, this is good during intro as the more animal fat you consume, the faster you will recover.  I also add ghee to it when I'm reheating to eat, to add more animal fat and taste.

Stage Two Intro Protocol

First Thing in the Morning:
cup of warm or room temp. water with slice of lemon
   *drink slowly, chewing every mouthful

Rest of the Day:
warm meat stock
warm soup
raw egg yolks added to meat stock or soup - start with 1 per day, gradually increase until you are having one egg yolk for every bowl of soup.
soft boiled eggs in soups (yolks runny, whited cooked)
stews and casseroles (pg 143 gaps guide or Internal Bliss Cookbook for recipes)
increased amount of juice from fermented vegetables
homemade ghee starting with 1 teaspoon a day and gradually increasing

Stage One Intro Protocol

First Thing in the Morning:
cup of warm or room temp. water with a slice of lemon
  *drink slowly, chewing every mouthful

Rest of the Day:
warm meat stock
warm soup
boiled meat
boiled veggies
teaspoon per day of juice from fermented veggies
ginger tea with or without a little honey

Day 1 and 2 of Intro

Day 1 started ok with a few glasses of filtered water with a slice of lemon.  Then I heated up some of the soup from the night before and had a lukewarm cup with a teaspoon of juice from the sauerkraut in it. Tasted delicious!  Waited til it was hot and had another cup. Just rested for the rest of the day, waiting for some symptoms.  Had none til late afternoon, when a band of pressure formed around my forehead, which developed into a headache and lasted into the night.  So I did some of the die-off relief methods I had read about - Wade gave me a head massage, I put my feet into a hot epsom salts foot bath for a while, and on going to bed, I tried the magic sock method - you put a pair of wet cotton socks on then over them, a pair of 100% wool socks.  Leave overnight and in the morning the cotton socks will be dry.  Apparently, the body's efforts to dry the wet socks will draw toxins out through your feet! 

After being in bed for a couple of hours and being in so much pain, I decided it was more important for me to sleep so I took two panadol rapid.  I fell asleep and when I woke up this morning, the headache was gone! yay!  I was expecting it to be back as soon as the panadol wore off.  So, I went to my friend's Tupperware party and took soup in my travel mug and another serve in a freezer bag to heat up if I got hungry later.  It was nice.  I ended up drinking the second serve of soup with an egg yolk in it, but started to feel nauseas, which has stayed with me for the rest of the day.

I still feel nauseas, have been having ginger tea with a little honey, but not really working.  And the headache came back this afternoon, but in a different place! Now it's the back of my head, and down into my neck.  I'm thinking about doing a yoga session (I have it on DVD) to help stretch everything out and hopefully get some relief.

I've also been EXTREMELY cranky today.  Yay for my family, I tried to explain myself to my kids tonight, my 6 yr old is sort of understanding.  My mum was meant to have them from this afternoon, but since I was ok this morning, she said she'd come over instead and see how it all went tomorrow and if necessary, she'd take them then.  I wish she had taken them today.  I think the crankiness is the headache, I do NOT cope when I have a headache, I just can't function, especially when there's heaps going on, like the kids are being themselves - NOISY, or my husband wants to discuss the weekly budget with me, which is a sure fire way of getting me cranky ANYWAY!!  I can't even sleep when I have a headache, so it totally sucks.

Well, I'm probably sabotaging myself, but my husband just made me cup of tea. Yep, real tea.  I'm terrible, but I just need it right now.

So I'm going to enjoy it. Bye!

Sunday 29 May 2011

TOMORROW!!! eeeeeeeeeee!!!

My beautiful hubby gave me a fabulous massage tonight and while he was doing it he asked me if I was nervous about tomorrow.  I thought for a bit, and said, " No.  I'm actually really excited.  I acknowledge it's going to be really hard at first and I'm going to hurt, but I know it's for the greater good, I'm looking forward to healing." 
I love the fact that he understands how important this is, and he isn't thinking it's just a fad.  He could think that.   I wouldn't blame him, I am the worst person for never finishing anything I start.  But I think this will be different.  I am driven this time.  And mostly for me but also partly to show others what good nutrition can do for your health, but also what GAPS can do for people with all sorts of problems.

My problems, as far as I can remember, are these:

*arthritis in left elbow
*heel spurs (from excess weight I think..)
*excess weight (I am 83kgs, I should be more like 50-60 according to my frame and height)
*many aches and pains in my upper back, shoulders, neck, head on a constant basis
*a history of depression and a fear of returning PND when I have another child
*many food intolerances, with symptoms ranging from bloating, cramping, gas, diarrhoea, nausea, dermatitis on my fingers and hands, headaches etc.
*poor eyesight that seems to be getting gradually worse - I am shortsighted and wear strong prescription glasses from when I wake to when I go to bed.  I'm not thinking this will be corrected, but perhaps it will halt the gradual deterioration I am experiencing.(?)
*foggy brain, a feeling of wading thru the day, every part being a lot of effort
*tiredness, sometimes overwhelming
*poor memory, very bad short-term memory, my 6 yr old son frequently tells me he is going to build me a memory machine when he gets his science lab going!! (LOL)
*sore feet, dodgy knees that dislocate easily. (again, I think this is a weight and/or poor amount of exercise issue)

Well, that was a huge list!!  Once I started, I kept thinking of other things!!

I made up another batch of beef stew this morning using beef broth, it was a good one as it had lots of marrow from the split marrow bones in it which I cut up small and popped back in, and it tasted very nice, I also used the Osso Bucco from the Boy on the Hill meat pack, which went verrrrry tender, melt in the mouth beautiful!  Then I put on another pot of beef bones in the slow cooker this afternoon (I wanted chicken but had run out) and I just put them on the hob tonight with some veggies and am now making my first lot of soup for intro.  It will be ok not using chicken as they say that the marrow and fat is very good for healing and this soup has tonnes of that in it.

So now I have made up a sheet of paper with Stage 1 etc on it, so I can see at a glance what I'm up to and what I can have and what I need to pull out of the freezer for the next day or meal.

Oh oh! I forgot to say I got my books from yesterday - the Gut and Psychology Syndrome newest edition by Dr Natascha Campbell McBride and Internal Bliss GAPS cookbook.  The cookbook is so good and full of very useful recipes.  I'm very excited to get over intro and try some of them out!

Well, I'm off to bed now, see you tomorrow!!

Thursday 26 May 2011

More Preparation for Intro

I have organised for the kids to be looked after for the first week while I do Intro.  So, the first two days, my hubby is taking RDO's and staying home to look after them, then he's taking them to my mum's house to sleep for 2 nights, and they'll be home again on Friday.  I'm hoping I'll be better by then, if not, I'll organise for someone down here to have them for me during the day.

I'm making another batch of chicken broth in the slow cooker tonight, I needed the slow cooker today to do the corned silverside I got from Boy on the Hill, OH MY GOODNESS!!!! The absolute most tender and beautiful corned silverside I've EVER tasted!!!!  No joke!! I'm sad there was only one in there, but it was a huge one so I've got some to freeze for GAPS too.  I'm allowed to have boiled meat on Intro - WOOP!

And tomorrow, once the chicken broth is done, I'll do another lot of stew, so I think I should have enough stores by then to happily start on Monday!  I'm so excited!

I am going to do before photos and measurements and a list of all my issues and we'll see how we do.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Intro Take Two - *Preparation*

I made a decision a couple of weeks ago.

I want a baby.

I want a baby but I want to be healthy enough to carry said baby, without all this weight, and without all the health problems and food intolerances that I have now.  This will, in my thoroughly researched opinion, all be resolved if I go on the GAPS diet. 

So.. I am starting GAPS this coming Monday.  I've been preparing all this week, I went to my mum's house Monday and Tuesday and cooked stew (she has a big kitchen so easier to prepare at her house than in my tiny kitchen!), so now I have 17 single serve beef stews in my freezer! (which tastes delicious btw!) 

On Monday, I put on a pot of beef bones to slow cook back home, and this morning I did a pot of chicken bones to slow cook. Tonight, I made soup with them, and they also taste quite good, I'm getting good at them I must say.  I'll figure out how to post recipes next and tell you how I did them.

So, I'll have a good lot of soup and stew to start with, I need to make sure I have the rest of stuff to go with for at least the first three stages.  I'm serious and prepared this time and that's what I wasn't last time.

I also got a big lot of organic, grassfed beef today from  They have a farm in Donneybrook, and they are 50% Waygu. So very nice.  I'm very happy with them, It was just under 16kgs and was $292, so just over $10 a meal. 26 meals in all. Awesome!

So, the plan is this:

* 2 months on intro (hopefully)
* 4 months preconception care following the full GAPS menu
* try for a baby.

Ok, off to bed now,

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Day 3 The End.

I can't do this anymore.  Not right now. I'm not ready. I thought I was but I'm not.  I'm at my sister's house in the country for an overnight stay.  I brought my soup and it's cooking at the moment.  I had some poached eggs an hour ago, but now, I'm hungry again.

My sister is going to make pikelets. PIKELETS! I loooove pikelets.

And tea. Mum and my sister are drinking tea. TEA. My favourite thing in the world. 

Add pikeletes slathered with copious amounts of butter and tea together and you have my favourite morning tea. WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I want some!!!!

So, intro, it was nice while it lasted, I will really miss your headaches. NOT. I will be back tho.  When I have figured out more and am more prepared. 

I'm sorry.

Day 2 Intro

Last night had a pounding headache accompanied by neck stiffness, so when I went to bed I did some neck stretching exercises and sprayed magnesium chloride spray all over any sore spots on my head and rubbed it in, and massaged the sore bits around my eyes and forehead etc.  It helped. I slept.

This morning I woke feeling like I had been run over by a Mack truck. Yay.

I heated up some of my frozen soup as I hadn't blended the last batch yet, and I didn't have time to do it yet.  It tasted really nice even tho that was the one where I cooked the bones for too long and the chicken looked yuck so I didn't put it in. 

We went to Karrinyup Shopping Centre to see Jimmy Giggle (the host of ABC kids).  The line to speak to him and get a photo was almost to the other end of the shopping centre. It would have taken HOURS to get to him so we waved and watched for a bit, I caved with Pix and got them nuggets, chips and pink milk from Red Rooster. I only had water.  I was just not organised enough, and I quite frankly don't have the energy to fight with him, or have everything organised right now.  So, I am leaving him for now and just focussing on me.

The rest of the day was fine, I haven't gone off intro once, whereas yesterday I did.  I have blended my pink soup which didn't go very pink once blended darn it.  Oh and I have added an egg yolk to two of my cups of soup so that means I'm on stage two.  I didn't have any GI reactions yesterday with Stage one so I thought I'll go to two and see what happens.  Eggs don't usually affect me.  I might do soup and egg yolk for one more day and see how I go then try the whites the next day.  I want to go slow and steady and stick to the plan as I was reading someone else's blog yesterday and she kept rushing things and then having to back-track, so I don't want it to take longer than it has to.

OK so I'm making cutlets and greek salad for the family tonight again, I'll try to resist them, I loooove cutlets, they are my happy food.  Can't wait til I can have them with almond flour as the crumb and cooked in butter...mmmmm.... not too long to go.

I am also feeling rather full and gassy in the bowel regions so I'm hoping I'll get some relief soon.  I have been going just not a lot, and I think my body wants to clean out.

Well I'm going to go have a nap with my head doused in magnesium chloride spray again and see if it helps the pounding pressure feeling...

Bye peeps

Lov Lis xx

Monday 18 April 2011

Day 1 Intro

This morning I woke up and decided


Today I will start Intro.

I have been reading about GAPS for about 8 months, and had decided to do it for me, Wade, Mads and Pix ages ago.  I just hadn't got around to starting yet.  I needed too many things.  I need a freezer so I can buy organic, grass-fed meat in bulk so we can afford to eat it at all.  I need to have nothing on for the next month so when I have die-off, I'll be able to stay home and recuperate. HA!  Excuses. I need to just start already!!

So I did.  I started. Today.

It was just going to be me doing it at first. So that I could have all the die-off on my own and then when I have to deal with die-off in the kids, I'll be well enough to nurse them thru it.  But Pix has been sooo out of sorts recently, having night terrors, being sooo aggressive and temperamental when he usually isn't that bad, I just thought, "I want you to start healing already too!"  So it's me and him.  We're doing it together every step of the way.

Yay for us!


Day 1:

Had blended chicken and veggie soup all day whenever I felt hungry, I had a whole pot, around 8 cups all up. I feel drugged and my head feels pressurised and sore, but other than that no GI upsets. Had a cup of ginger tea no honey tonight.  I've been cranky and yelling.  The boys have borne the brunt of it, but I keep apologising for my outbursts so I hope they won't hold it against me.  I also cheated and had a handful of salted beer nuts and 3 chicken cutlets tonight which had corn crumbs on them.  I will try to be better tomorrow.  I think I did good overall.

creamy blended soup
 Pix had a few sips of soup and a small cup of ginger tea with a teaspoon of honey, which I had to bully him into drinking.  He didn't eat anything all day til dinner when I made cutlets, which he had 3 of.  He had his bedtime bobbi tonight.
Pix drinking his soup

I'm heading to bed now, it's 10.48pm

Lov Lis xx