Monday 18 April 2011

Day 1 Intro

This morning I woke up and decided


Today I will start Intro.

I have been reading about GAPS for about 8 months, and had decided to do it for me, Wade, Mads and Pix ages ago.  I just hadn't got around to starting yet.  I needed too many things.  I need a freezer so I can buy organic, grass-fed meat in bulk so we can afford to eat it at all.  I need to have nothing on for the next month so when I have die-off, I'll be able to stay home and recuperate. HA!  Excuses. I need to just start already!!

So I did.  I started. Today.

It was just going to be me doing it at first. So that I could have all the die-off on my own and then when I have to deal with die-off in the kids, I'll be well enough to nurse them thru it.  But Pix has been sooo out of sorts recently, having night terrors, being sooo aggressive and temperamental when he usually isn't that bad, I just thought, "I want you to start healing already too!"  So it's me and him.  We're doing it together every step of the way.

Yay for us!


Day 1:

Had blended chicken and veggie soup all day whenever I felt hungry, I had a whole pot, around 8 cups all up. I feel drugged and my head feels pressurised and sore, but other than that no GI upsets. Had a cup of ginger tea no honey tonight.  I've been cranky and yelling.  The boys have borne the brunt of it, but I keep apologising for my outbursts so I hope they won't hold it against me.  I also cheated and had a handful of salted beer nuts and 3 chicken cutlets tonight which had corn crumbs on them.  I will try to be better tomorrow.  I think I did good overall.

creamy blended soup
 Pix had a few sips of soup and a small cup of ginger tea with a teaspoon of honey, which I had to bully him into drinking.  He didn't eat anything all day til dinner when I made cutlets, which he had 3 of.  He had his bedtime bobbi tonight.
Pix drinking his soup

I'm heading to bed now, it's 10.48pm

Lov Lis xx

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