Sunday 29 May 2011

TOMORROW!!! eeeeeeeeeee!!!

My beautiful hubby gave me a fabulous massage tonight and while he was doing it he asked me if I was nervous about tomorrow.  I thought for a bit, and said, " No.  I'm actually really excited.  I acknowledge it's going to be really hard at first and I'm going to hurt, but I know it's for the greater good, I'm looking forward to healing." 
I love the fact that he understands how important this is, and he isn't thinking it's just a fad.  He could think that.   I wouldn't blame him, I am the worst person for never finishing anything I start.  But I think this will be different.  I am driven this time.  And mostly for me but also partly to show others what good nutrition can do for your health, but also what GAPS can do for people with all sorts of problems.

My problems, as far as I can remember, are these:

*arthritis in left elbow
*heel spurs (from excess weight I think..)
*excess weight (I am 83kgs, I should be more like 50-60 according to my frame and height)
*many aches and pains in my upper back, shoulders, neck, head on a constant basis
*a history of depression and a fear of returning PND when I have another child
*many food intolerances, with symptoms ranging from bloating, cramping, gas, diarrhoea, nausea, dermatitis on my fingers and hands, headaches etc.
*poor eyesight that seems to be getting gradually worse - I am shortsighted and wear strong prescription glasses from when I wake to when I go to bed.  I'm not thinking this will be corrected, but perhaps it will halt the gradual deterioration I am experiencing.(?)
*foggy brain, a feeling of wading thru the day, every part being a lot of effort
*tiredness, sometimes overwhelming
*poor memory, very bad short-term memory, my 6 yr old son frequently tells me he is going to build me a memory machine when he gets his science lab going!! (LOL)
*sore feet, dodgy knees that dislocate easily. (again, I think this is a weight and/or poor amount of exercise issue)

Well, that was a huge list!!  Once I started, I kept thinking of other things!!

I made up another batch of beef stew this morning using beef broth, it was a good one as it had lots of marrow from the split marrow bones in it which I cut up small and popped back in, and it tasted very nice, I also used the Osso Bucco from the Boy on the Hill meat pack, which went verrrrry tender, melt in the mouth beautiful!  Then I put on another pot of beef bones in the slow cooker this afternoon (I wanted chicken but had run out) and I just put them on the hob tonight with some veggies and am now making my first lot of soup for intro.  It will be ok not using chicken as they say that the marrow and fat is very good for healing and this soup has tonnes of that in it.

So now I have made up a sheet of paper with Stage 1 etc on it, so I can see at a glance what I'm up to and what I can have and what I need to pull out of the freezer for the next day or meal.

Oh oh! I forgot to say I got my books from yesterday - the Gut and Psychology Syndrome newest edition by Dr Natascha Campbell McBride and Internal Bliss GAPS cookbook.  The cookbook is so good and full of very useful recipes.  I'm very excited to get over intro and try some of them out!

Well, I'm off to bed now, see you tomorrow!!

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